2006 week 4: Jan. 3-7
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Copyright 2006, Collinsville Publishing Company
Thursday, Jan. 5
Bacon Academy 53, St. Bernard 19
Nonnewaug 54, Wolcott Tech 21
Waterford 78, New London 0
Weston 60, Darien 22
Weston vs. Wilton
Wilton 60, Darien 24

Nonnewaug 54, Wolcott Tech 21
At Torrington
160 pounds – Jon Cooper (N) dec. Barry VanDeusen, 14-5; 171: Dom Ferrazzi (WT) pin Jason Kochiss, 4:33; 189: Josh Wooden (N) pin Paul Brown, 0:30; 215: Todd Carusillo (WT) forfeit; 275: Joe Mulvave (WT) forfeit; 103: Erik Kreig (N) pin Ryan Panetti, 5:51; 112: Rob Basile (N) pin Dan Stumpf, 1:42; 119: Drew Stomski (N) pin Andrew Kanehl, 0:50; 125: Mike Angelillo (N) dec. Andrew Carusillo, 15-3; 130: Keegan Mulready (N) pin Jason Thulen, 3:57; 135: Matt Mackiewicz (WT) dec. Phil Strobel, 8-7; 140: Andrew Harley (N) pin Dan Gardella, 0:59; 145: Keelan Freitag (N) pin Tom Filippini, 5:53; 152: Jeff Howard (N) dec. Zack Allen, 13-0
Records: Nonnewaug 7-3, 3-0 BL; Wolcott Tech 2-1, 2-1 BL
Other match, 160 – Jon Cooper, Nonnewaug pin Zac Eucalitto, Torrington, 2:19.

Wednesday, Jan. 4
Wednesday, Jan. 4
Amity 55, Shelton 21
Avon 63, Somers 12
Berlin 69, Rocky Hill 4
Bristol Central 60, Platt High 13
Bristol Eastern 61, Maloney 15
Bunnell 36, Bethel 26
Cheshire 41, Xavier 27

Conard 37, Simsbury 26
Cheney Tech 54, WindhamTech 34
Derby 40, East Haven 34
East Lyme 51, Woodstock Academy 27
East Windsor 56, Canton 21
Enfield 42, Stafford 41
Fairfield Ludlowe 60, Bridgeport 24

Fairfield Warde def. Norwalk
Farmington 48, East Hartford 24
Glastonbury 48, Hartford Public 23
Granby 36, Suffield High 33

Hand 52, Foran 17
Holy Cross 57, Northwestern 18
Immaculate 42, Haddam-Killingworth 39
Jonathan Law 49, Guilford 22
Ledyard 54, Fitch 16
Manchester 60, Rockville 24
Masuk 32, Brookfield 28
Middletown 66, East Catholic 18
Montville 37, Windham High 31

Newington 61, Hall 18
New Fairfield 37, Pomperaug 36, criteria (more matches won)
New Haven 57, Fairfield Prep 22

New Milford 49, Newtown 17
NFA 44, Killingly 33
Plainville 54, RHAM 17
Portland 50, Lyman Memorial 30
Seymour 39, Morgan 38
Southington 49, Fermi 23
Stamford 40, New Canaan 30
Stratford 70, Joel Barlow 11
Terryville 46, Thomaston 34
Trumbull 48, Ridgefield 30
Vinal Tech 54, Ellis Tech 21
Wethersfield 70, Weaver 12

Bulkeley at New Britain
Greenwich at Westhill

Amity 55, Shelton 21
At Amity
103-Spencer Ciancola (A) dec. Robby Ferrante 10-6; 112-Steve Krohely (A) tech fall Nick Amico 16-1; 119-Chris Ly (S) dec. Mike Katz 11-5; 125-Justin Krofssik (S) pin Doug Robinson 1:11; 130-Mark Spisto (S) pin Andy Coe 1:51; 135-Drew Gewirtz (A) pin Nirav Shah 2:59; 140-Matthew Ehalt (S) pin Zak Spencer 2:49; 145-John Matson (A) tech fall Anthony Abraham 16-1; 152-Ryan Kane (A) pin Derek Lescynski 1:46; 160-Ryan Roddy (A) pin Ben Melsenti 1:44; 171-J.R. Crotta (A) pin Nick Hubbard 3:06; 189-D.J. Lombardo (A) forfeit; 215-Matt Vernik (A) pin Phil Abraham 0:22; 275-Mike Bruni (A) pin Andrew Marsilio 2:31
Records:  Shelton 2-6

Fairfield Ludlowe 60, Bridgeport 24
At Bridgeport (Harding)
103: Tommy Roy (FL) forfeit; 112: Syid Massiah (B) forfeit; 119: Michael Schallau (FL) pin Omar Majeed, 0:43; 125:Rowan Hines (FL) pin Matt Krishlunas, 0:26; 130: Colin Donovan (FL) pin Ryan Ganmar, 3:52; 135: Adam Donovan (FL) pin Jose Rias, 4:41; 140: Joey Bullard (B) pin Nick Vena (FL), 1:24; 145: Emmett Donovan (FL) pin Erick Pelietiez, 3:34; 152: Lorenzo Melendez (B) pin Ryan Brown, 4:54; 160: Dennis Ragoza (FL) forfeit; 171: Kennedy Oghayore (B)pin Dirk Finlay, 1:59; 189: Pat Osborn (FL) pin Orgene Morgan, 2:36; 215: Craig Foster (FL) forfeit; 275: Travis Goeller (FL) pin Antne Blou, 0:14
Records: Ludlowe 6-1.

Holy Cross 57, Northwestern 18
At Barkhamsted
103: Paige Valancourt (H) forfeit; 112: Double forfeit; 119: Tim Mandel (N) pin Brian Cobbol (H) 1:47; 125: Nate Smith (N) pin Brad Osbourn (H) 3:56; 130: Dan Kochanowick (H) dec. Zach Humphrey (N) 7-2; 135: Andrew Wells-Qu (H) pin Shane Gilbert (N) 1:58; 140: Mike Burger (N) pin Wayde Perkins (H) 2:16; 145: Glen Persson (H) forfeit; 152: Dave Cobbol (H) pin Mike McCotter (N) 1:18; 160: Andrew Fazo (H) pin Jay Farkas (N) 1:07; 171: Mike Deely (H) pin Andrew Perrillo(N) 3:24; 189: Kevin Blanchard (H) pin Kevin Shapley (N) 1:08; 215: Chris Marino (H) pin Steve Kasachik (N) 1:09; 275: Morgan Marzella (H) forfeit.

Cheshire 41, Xavier 27
At Middletown
103: MIke Briskin (C) dec. Brian Russo, 13-3; 112: Ron Waters (C) pin Dan Quigley, 1:49; 119: Kevin Laursen (X) pin Aaron Zomback, 3:00; 125: Bret Pallatto (C) pin Alex Gonzales, :42; 130: Pat Notti (C) pin Joe Smith, 4:30; 135: Tim Wycozanski (C) pin Justin Lavette, 5:13; 140: Phil Verio (X) dec. Harold Zomback, 10-6; 145: Rob Tomlinson (C) dec. Brian Meskill, 9-2; 152: Mike Dillon (C) dec. Keith Hosking 9-7; 160: Jeff Erickson (C) dec. Will Booz, 8-0; 171: John Holzinger (X) pin Gerard Wrenn, 3:18; 189: Brett Boot (X) forfeit; 215: Rob McAviney (C) dec. Dave Kroha 7-0; 275: Alex Perry (X) pin John Terner, 4:25. Records: Cheshire 7-1, 4-0 SCC; Xavier 4-4, 2-2 SCC.

New Haven 57, Fairfield Prep 22
At New Haven
103: Miguel Diaz (NH) pin Brayton Bushby 1:33; 112: Dennis Lee (FP) major dec. Gary DePietro 18-4; 119: Cesar Garcia (NH) pin Tim Lincoln 4:25; 125: Aaron Wilder (NH) pin Julian Campoli 1:44; 130: Fran Fisco (NH) dec. Brian Jennings 4-0; 135: Gamy Castro (NH) pin Austin Phelan 1:25; 140: Joe Fredericksen (FP) pin Robert Rodriguez 5:32; 145: Vaughn Johnson (NH) pin Chris D'Elia 5:04; 152: Dillon Ochs (FP) pin Mickey Diaz 1:04; 160: Adam Reeves (NH) pin Joe Cicarella 1:02; 171: Miguel Carrasquello (NH) pin Myles Dempsey 4:53; 189: Andrew Gleason (FP) pin Santos Garcia 1:23; 215: Kenny Dortche (NH) pin Zach Bruno :57; 275: Jeff Bryant (NH) pin Nick Tomboulides :53.
Records: Fairfield Prep 3-1, New Haven 2-5

Bunnell 36, Bethel 26
At Bethel
103: Derrek Foaref (BU) pin Andrew Mufantry 21.00; 112: Rob Flader (BU) pin Eddie Murray 3:27; 119: Marc Halper (BU) dec. George Fernandez 18-1; 125: Andrew Lischke (BE) dec. Evan Jacobs 5-2; 130: Matt Damion (BU) forfeit; 135: DJ Bogusky (BU) dec. Dan Bonitez 8-1; 140: Dylan Wolf (BE) dec. Dan Makowicki 12-10; 145: Yuri Avila (BU) dec. Josh Mancher 8-6; 152: Jeremy Hodza (BE) dec. Washington Gordon 12-7; 160: Ryan Hehn (BU) dec. Sam Wolf 7-4; 171: David Blackwell (BU) dec. Anthony Bonagura 12-4; 189: Anthony Kostek (BE) pin Dan Perez 5:10; 215: Tyler Gazetos (BE) pin Brian Huribal 49.00; 275: Mike Denise (BE) pin Felix Barrios 16.00.
Records: Bunnell 7-0; Bethel 10-5.

Stratford 70, Joel Barlow 11
At Barlow
103: Nick Charatino (S) pin Nick Wahl 0:13; 112: Anthony Ricco (S) pin Matt Bellantoni 13 seconds; 119: Zach Palmer-Vitti (S) pin Matt Traggianese 5:00; 125: Jesse Inmann (S) pin Jamie Herbert 58 seconds; 130: Stanley Lafortune (S) pin Dan Harris 2:46; 135: Hector Soriano (S) forfeit; 140: Steve Slathers (S) pin John Nastasi 1:13; 145: Rob Fiore (B) major dec. Mike Slathers 19-4; 152: Mike Baldino (S) forfeit; 160: Corey Edwards (S) pin Rob Cieri 1:52; 171: Kyle Ungar (B) pin Ramiro Martinez 4:20; 189: Brian Gallego (S) pin Billy Fow 3:13; 215: Steve Figueroa (S) dec. Jimmy Ruppert 11-1; 275: Jordan Miron (S) pin Adrian Flores 1:17.
Records: Stratford 9-5, 5-1 SWC

Masuk 32, Brookfield 28
At Monroe
103: Kenny Pancoast (M) tech. fall Chris Christos 16-1; 112: Nick Baccarella (M) dec. Joe Levine 10-8; 119: Dan Hanley (B) dec. Zach Flashman 8-5; 125: Jim Viglione (M) pin Kelly McGorty 1:53; 130: Matt Kozak (B) dec. Micah Flashman 6-4; 135: Scott Sullivan (B) dec. Jim Giff 4-3; 140: Kyle Bonn (B) pin Nikko Confortini 1:43; 145: Ethan Ofer-Moran (B) dec. Justin Kollmann 7-6; 152: Samuel Molina (M) pin Claire Peacock 1:08; 160: Burak Buyuksolak (M) dec. Mike McKeever 8-2; 171: Ben Hadden (B) major dec. Noel Rodriguez 13-2; 189: Bill Ryan (M) dec. John Wamser 15-9; 215: Max Beaudry (B) pin Dan Castillo 5:30; 275: Paul Fenaroli (M) pin Ian Wolf 1:43
Records: Masuk 8-2, 3-1 SWC; Brookfield 3-4

Trumbull 48, Ridgefield 30
At Trumbull
103: Alex Blank (R) dec. Nick Costoido 12-8; 112: Jon Lemoine (T) pin Greg Paladino 1:33; 119: Corey Paulish (R) pin Rich Reher 3:13; 125: Matt Fallon (R) pin Aaron Rodgerson 5:41; 130: Steve Lemoine (T) pin Zack Shea 5:49; 135: Casey Smith (T) pin Derek Chelednick 1:00; 140: Sam Barron (R) dec. Mike Vonstein 14-12 (OT); 145: Jack Neuland (R) pin Jon Belaus 3:19; 152: Rob Vonstein (T) pin Matt Morris 3:37; 160: Nick Fam (T) pin Spencer Assiff 1:20; 171: Sean McKnight (R) pin John Roy 2:25; 189: Erik Sommer (T) forfeit; 215: Rich Moran (T) pin Ryan Cicchese 2:24; 275: Anel Monanez (T) pin Scott Hiller 1:56.
Records: Trumbull 7-2.

New Fairfield 37, Pomperaug 36
At New Fairfield
140: Dave Mack (P) pin Justin Sargent 2:55. 145: Shane Yachulke (NF) pin Chase Verzello 3:36. 152: Joe Wabshinak (NF) pin Eric Cieply 4:30. 160: Jay Bucciarelli (P) pin Ben Watman 1:28. 171: T.J. Silva (NF) dec. Dave Janson 4-2. 189: Baron Jacobs (P) pin Mike See 1:15. 215: David Carrubba (NF) forfeit. 275: Matt Martin (P) pin Jim Wild 1:55. 103: Greg Wright (P) forfeit. 112: Andrew Pavietta (P) pin Mikhail Grant 4:56. 119: Jimmy Klecker (NF) dec. Reed Hall 9-4. 125: D.J. McCarthy (NF) dec. Davy Denu 8-2. 130: Sean Gallagher (NF) dec. Jon Broadbridge 11-4. 135: Ben DiFabbio (NF) pin Patrick D rzillo 3:02. RECORDS: New Fairfield 2-3; Pomperaug 2-3.
NOTE: New Fairfield won on criteria, more matches won

Immaculate 42, Haddam-Killingworth 39
At Danbury
135: Julian Christie (I) pin Ali Rice :38. 140: Nick Burgess (I) pin Johnson 1:20. 145: Paul Secola (I) pin Becker 1:35. 152: D. Goin (HK) dec. John Fitzgerald (I) 16-10. 160: Paxley (HK) pin Adrian Tucker :35. 171: DiStefano (HK) pin S. Haddad 5:38. 189: Ayer (HK) pin C. Policastro :40. 215: Haring (HK) forfeit. 275: DeStefano (DK) forfeit. 103: Andrew Cronin (I) pin C. Yankura (HK) 1:12. 112: Joe Frank (I) pin Matthies 3:11. 119: Eric Sorcek (I) pin M. Parzych 3:45. 125: Dan Curtis (I) pin T. Larosa 3:22. 130: Simmers (HK) pin M. Dunn 1:25.

Bunnell 35, Bethel 27
At Bunell, Stratford
103: Derek Sares (B) pin Andrew Musantry :19. 112: Robert Flader (B) pin Eddie Murray 3:12. 119: Mark Halper (B) tech fall George Fernandes 18-1. 125: Andrew Lischke (Bethel) dec. Evan Jacobs 5-2. 130: Matt Egmiano (B) forfeit. 135: D.J. Dogusky (B) dec. Dan Benitez 8-1. 140: Dylan Wolf (B) dec. Dan Wakawiki 11-9. 145: Yuri Avila (B) dec. Josh Manscher 8-6. 152: Jeremy Hodza (Bethel) dec. Washington Gordon 10-6. 160: Ryan Hehn (B) Sam Wolff 7-4. 171: David Blackwell (B) dec. Anthony Bonagura 12-5. 189: Anthony Kostek (B) pin Dan Perez 4:50. 215: Tyler Gazetos (Bethel) pin Brian Huribal 0:49. 275: Mike Danise (Bethel) pin Felix Berrils 0:16.
Records: Bethel 10-5, Bunnel 7-0.

Plainville 54, RHAM 17
At Plainville
103: Greg Brown (P) forfeit; 112: Brandon Giando (P) forfeit; 119: Matt Wargo (R) pin Paul Boutote, 0:41; 125: Nick Cavallaro(P) pin Jessica Haydon, 0:21; 130: Shane McAffee (R) dec. Raymond Guarino, 12-4; 135: Chad Verbitsky dec. Chris Wargo (R), 5-4; 140: Mario Acca (P) pin  Steve Kricksciun, 3:40; 145: Eric Compbell (R) dec. Mike Cobuzzi, 8-1; 152: Dave Brown (R) dec. Nate Bulger, 10-0; 160: Dave Caruso (P) dec. Greg Cole, 8-6; 171: Ben Sparks (P) pin Zach Martin, 1:32; 189: Alex Graff (P) pin Brian Van Hone, 1:11; 215: Mike Skempris (P) forfeit; 275: Cory Zapatka (P) forfeit

Jonathan Law 49, Guilford 22
At Guilford
103:Willhelm JL pin Summerton G 1:57, 112: Homberton G dec Chetcuti JL 8-4, 119: Gallacano JL pin Shore 5:49, 125:Root JL forfeit, 130: Marsette dec. Lunberg G 9-1, 135: Abelli pin Strittmater G 3:14, 140:Turcia G dec. Watterson JL 10-1, 145:Nihart,B dec Spotts G 6-3, 152:Spaziano G pin Abbotts JL 5:57, 160:Thornberg JL pin Linske G 3:18, 171:Sundwall G dec Hardison JL 7-4, 189: Nihart,J Maj-dec Humberton G 12-4, 215:B arscher G pin Williston JL 5:48, 275:Bacash JL pin Pepatie G 1:55.
Record: Jonathan Law 10-1 Overall, 2-1 S.C.C.

Stamford 40, New Canaan 30
At Stamford
103: Mike Battinelli (S) forfeit; 112: Alex Camacho (S) tech fall Robbie Heilbron, 15-0; 119: Jason Camacho (S) pin Luke Correale, 5:28; 125: Matt Van Houten (S) dec. Chris Dalia, 10-9; 130: Nick Van Houten (S) dec. John Gannalo, 8-7; 135: Greg LaRoche (S) pin Chris Halpert, 3:39; 140: Stefon Camacho (S) tech fall John Worthley, 15-0; 145: Elard Coello (S) pin Mike O’Leary, 3:57; 152: Nick Levine (NC) dec. Mario Pasquel, 7-0; 160: Alec Pulkownik (NC) dec. Justin Lockwood, 7-2; 171: P.J. Morano (NC) pin Cody Harwood-Smith, 4:45; 189: Mike Milano (NC) pin Jake Czmanski, 1:46; 215: Gonzalo Pereira (NC) forfeit; 275: Chris Richichi (NC) pin Julian Bosch, 1:13
Records: New Canaan 1-2, Stamford 6-3

Berlin 69, Rocky Hill 4
At Rocky Hill
215: J.R. Pynak (B) dec. Matt Kobialka, 8-7; 275: Matt Lehlane (B) forfeit; 103: Joe Barrett (B) forfeit; 112: Kevin Moss (B) dec. Kevin O’Leary, 8-3; 119: Roop Singh (RH) dec. Ryan Vuj, 10-0; 125: Chris Solek (B) pin Equantino Agolli, 2:34; 130: Mike Crowe (B) dec. T.J. Magnoli, 6-4, OT; 135: Shane Day (B) forfeit; 140: Spencer Polaske (B) forfeit; 145: John Fiorillo (B) forfeit; 152: Dave Fiorillo (B) forfeit; 160: Chris Matlack (B) dec. Dan Scribano, 16-1; 171: Dennis Molloy (B) pin Rich Michalski, 4:10; 189: Kevin Tatro (B) forfeit

New Milford 49, Newtown 17
At New Milford
103: Anthony Amorando (NM) pin Colin Smith 0:30; 112: John Gouvia (Nt) tech. fall Andrew Falencki 16-1; 119: Edin Mesanovic (NM) major dec. Dan Van Buskirk 11-0; 125: Spiros Stefanatos (NM) pin Kris King 1:14; 130: Jeff Lipnick (Nt) dec. Dan Cahalane 9-4; 135: Korban Bradshaw (NM) pin Andrew Knetee 3:11; 140: Mike Bellagamba (NM) pin Colin O conner 3:40; 145: Cody Griswold (NM) dec. Jeff Bray 5-3; 152: Jamie Pisano (NM) pin Zack Klein 1:35; 160: Gary Andrews (Nt) dec. P.J. Arnold 9-7; 171: Jagi Enkhabaatar (Nt) dec. Thad Diamond 8-4; 189: Brian Aliaya (Nt) dec. Chris Leier 11-8; 215: Steve Bendrick (NM) pin Joe Minalgo 1:30; 275: Tom Ferrell (NM) pin Aadil Ansar 1:35.

Las Vegas Review Journal, Jan. 5: NIAA leader upset with rulings allowing athletes to participate

Waterbury Republican American, Jan. 5: Nonnewaug teaches young Wolcott Tech a lesson

Bristol Press, Jan. 4: Young Bristol Eastern team wins 10th match

Saturday, Jan. 7
Eastern captures first BC Invitational title since 1996
No. 7 Bristol Eastern beat three other top 10 teams to win its first Bristol Central Invitational title since 1996. The Lancers beat No. 2 Waterford by 9.5 points. No. 6 Bristol Central was third while No. 3 Ledyard was fourth. Waterford had seven wrestlers finish in the top three including Chris Ebersole (130), Ken O’Brien (145) and Sean Adkins (152) who were first. … No. 9 Southington won the first Southington Duals with a 37-30 win over No. 5 Windham High. Amity finished third with a 61-9 win over Fairfield Warde. …. Trumbull handed Bunnell its first loss of the season in the final of the Trumbull Duals, 40-25. … Morgan topped St. Bernard to win the first Northwestern Duals, 45-36. ... Camden Hills, ME nipped No. 1 Danbury by eight points, 168-160 to win the Redskin Invitational in Sanford, Me. Frank Cammisa (145) won for the Hatters while Tyler Howe (130), Dean Smith (135), Kyle Rodgers (152) and Jeff Esposito (171) each took third. … No. 4 Montville (14-0) won four bouts in a duals meet at East Lyme. Unbeaten Anthony Giansanti (171) had four wins including 2 pins. He beat previously undefeated David Loomis of Killingly, 3-2, at 160. … Tyler Banks (112), Sean Fisher (140) and James Gladue (145) won titles to help Griswold finish second to Carmel (N.Y.) at Chad Antoch Memorial Tournament  in Westerly, R.I. Brock Couti (125) was second. … Fairfield Ludlowe’s Craig Foster went 4-0 but the Falcons went 1-3 in a five-team meet and fell to 7-4. … Joel Barlow beat Platt Tech, 51-24 for the first win in team history. Barlow (2-11) followed that with its first SWC win, a 48-30 victory over Immaculate. …

Martin can wrestle Jan. 20 if he is academically eligible
The director of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA) said that Durango High should have told Joey Martin that he would be ineligible to wrestle. A local judge ruled that Martin will be eligible to wrestle Jan. 20 if he is academically eligible. The NIAA said that Martin was ineligible because NIAA transfer rules mandate that a transfer must live with a legal guardian or parent. Martin, a former Simsbury High wrestler and 3-time Connecticut State Open champion, is living with his brother in Nevada. “I don't hold anyone responsible for this except the schools,” the NIAA’s Jerry Hughes told the Las Vegas Review Journal. “As far as I'm concerned, he remains an ineligible athlete, and if [he wins] our state championship, [he’ll] win it in a bogus way.” The Nevada state meet is Feb. 10-11.
Las Vegas Review Journal, Jan. 5: NIAA leader upset with rulings allowing athletes to participate

Wednesday, Jan. 4
No. 4 Windham can’t get past No. 3 Montville
No. 3 Montville (11-0) beat No. 4 Windham for the second time in a week. 37-31. Montville’s Brian Webster (189) rallied to win by pin and James Bunnell (275) and Chris Yeager (103) followed with wins to ice the match. … No. 7 Bristol Eastern (10-1) dominated in its CCC South opener with a 61-15 win over Maloney. … East Lyme had seven pins in a 51-27 win over Woodstock Academy. … No. 3 Ledyard (13-0) had three pins in a 54-16 win over Fitch. … Cheshire (7-1) won its SCC North opener with a 41-27 win over defending division champion Xavier. “(Cheshire) had a little more experience on the mat,” Xavier coach Mike Cunningham told the Meriden Record Journal. “We needed a couple of kids to wrestle above their ability.” … Vinal Tech had seven pins to win its first match of the year with a 54-21 COC win over Ellis Tech. … No. 6 Bristol Central (8-2) had little problems with Platt High in a 60-13 win. … A year after winning the Class S title, Northwestern (0-12) is struggling with a young team. The Highlanders fell to Holy Cross, 57-18. …  In a battle of SWC powers, undefeated Bunnell (7-0) outlasted Bethel, 36-26, building a big lead to withstand a late surge by Bethel (10-5). … Stratford (9-5, 5-1 SWC) was too much for Joel Barlow, 70-11. … Pins from Paul Fenaroli (275), Jim Viglione (125) and Samuel Molina (152) were key in a 32-28 win by Masuk (8-2) over Brookfield. … Immaculate won its first-ever home match with a 42-39 win over Haddam-Killingworth. … Plainville (8-2, 3-0 NWC) remained first in the NWC with a 54-17 win over RHAM. … Jonathan Law earned its 10th win by topping Guilford, 49-22. … Fairfield Ludlowe (6-1, 5-1 FCIAC) had seven pins in a dominating 60-24 win over Bridgeport co-op at Harding. … Amity won its fifth in a row with a 55-21 win over Shelton (2-6). … No. 11 Avon (8-1, 2-0 NCCC) rolled past Somers, 63-12.
Saturday, Jan. 7
Avon 49, Seymour 23
Avon 70, Fairfield Ludlowe 12
Avon 63, Foran 9
Avon 49, Jonathan Law 23
Avon 72, Darien 10
Seymour 54, Fairfield Ludlowe 24
Seymour 48, Foran 27
Seymour 40, Law 36
Seymour 57, Darien 21
Jonathan Law 55, Fairfield Ludlowe 19
Jonathan Law 71, Darien 6
Jonathan Law 55, Foran 17
Fairfield Ludlowe 48, Foran 27
Darien 39, Foran 36
* * * *
Monville 68, Wilton 12
Montville 52, Stratford 16
Montville 57, Killingly 16
Montville 62, East Lyme 8
Granby 48, Wilton 34
Granby 48, Stratford 30
Granby 45, East Lyme 30
Killingly 39, Granby 34
Killingly 55, Wilton 21
East Lyme 45, Stratford 36
East Lyme 48, Wilton 36
Stratford 36, Killingly 32
* * * *
Hand 64, Fitch 12
Hand 39, Berlin 31
Hand 71, Enfield 8
Hand 52, New Britain 6
Berlin 64, Fitch 16
Berlin def. New Britain
Berlin def. Enfield
New Britain 35, Fitch 21
New Britain vs. Enfield
Fitch 52, Enfield 19
* * * *
Staples 60, Joel Barlow 24
Staples 52, Hall 18
Staples 44, Westhill 22
Staples 72, Platt Tech/WH 12
Hall 59, Joel Barlow 18
Hall 45, Westhill 27
Hall 66, Immaculate 18
Hall 62, Platt Tech/WH 6
Westhill 54, Joel Barlow 30
Westhill 54, Immaculate 30
Westhill 42, Platt Tech/WH 34
Joel Barlow 51, Platt Tech 24
Joel Barlow 48, Immaculate 30
Platt Tech/WH 36, Immaculate 30
* * * *
Canterbury 50, Gunnery 30
Canterbury 56, Wilbraham 18
Loomis Chaffee 58, Thayer Academy 20
Loomis Chaffee 55, Tabor Academy 20
* * * *
Williston 54, Suffield Academy 30
Deerfield Academy 57, Suffield Academy 18
Pomfret 51, Suffield Academy 28
* * * *
Lyman Memorial 48, Housatonic 30
Lyman Memorial 60, Somers 21
Lyman Memorial 42, Greater Hartford Classical 18
Greater Hartford Classical 38, Housatonic 36
Greater Hartford Classical 35, Somers 30
Housatonic 36, Somers 33
* * * *
Pomperaug 52, Brookfield 21
Pomperaug 36, Derby 33
Pomperaug 40, Nonnewaug 27
Derby 40, Nonnewaug 34
Derby 45, New Canaan 30
Derby 43, Brookfield 28
Nonnewaug 46, New Canaan 24
Nonnewaug 52, Brookfield 28
New Canaan 38, Brookfield 24
* * * *
City Series
Hartford Public 48, Weaver 15
Hartford Public 40, Bulkeley 18
Weaver 32, Bulkeley 31, criteria
* * * * *
Terryville 54, Windham Tech 21
* * * *
Southington Duals
At Southington
Pool A
Southington 38, Cheshire 28
Southington 47, Greenwich 23
Southington 51, Fairfield Warde 12
Fairfeld Warde 45, Greenwich 30
Fairfield Warde 42, Cheshire 34
Greenwich 55, Cheshire 21
Pool B
Windham def. Amity
Windham def. Newtown
Windham 65, Weston 9
Amity 58, Newtown 15
Amity 77, Weston 0
Newtown 47, Weston 28
Championship: Southington 37, Windham High 30
Third place: Amity 61, Fairfield Warde 9
Fifth place: Greenwich def. Newtown
7th place: Cheshire 54, Weston 30
* * * *
South Windsor Duals
At South Windsor
Pool A
NFA 57, East Hartford 18
NFA 66, South Windsor 12
East Hartford 37, South Windsor 36
Pool B
Conard 72, Portland 12
Conard 63, Fairfield Prep 14
Fairfield Prep 42, Portland 36
Pool C
Bacon Academy 36, East Windsor 28
Bacon Academy 64, Cheney Tech 14
East Windsor 54, Cheney Tech 27
Championship pool
Conard 41, Bacon Academy 31
Conard 39, NFA 32
NFA 44, Bacon Academy 32
Conard wins tournament, NFA is 2nd and Bacon is 3rd
Consolation pool
East Hartford 48, Fairfield Prep 41
East Hartford 38, East Windsor 37
South Windsor 48, Cheney Tech 28
South Windsor 48, Portland 38
East Windsor 51, Fairfield Prep 24
Portland 46, Cheney Tech 36
* * * *
Northwestern Duals
At Barkhamsted
Pool A
Morgan 57, Stafford 24
Morgan 44, Suffield 29
Morgan 55, Wolcott Tech 22
Suffield 58, Wolcott Tech 21
Suffield 45, Stafford 33
Stafford 57, Wolcott Tech 24
Pool B
St. Bernard 51, Gilbert 30
St. Bernard 60, Rocky Hill 18
St. Bernard 40, Canton 37
St. Bernard 52, Northwestern Regional 24
Canton 52, Gilbert 17
Canton 54, Northwestern 24
Canton 48, Rocky Hill 24
Northwestern 33, Rocky Hill 25
Northwestern 37, Gilbert 36, criteria (most takedowns)
Gilbert 51, Rocky Hill 20
Championship: Morgan 45, St. Bernard 36
Consolation: Suffield 48, Canton 23
5th place: Stafford 60, Northwestern 24
* * * *
Trumbull Duals
Pool A
Trumbull 60, Shelton 17
Trumbull 48, Simsbury 26
Trumbull 58, New Fairfield 16
Simsbury 46, New Fairfield 33
Simsbury 41, Shelton 29
Shelton 48, New Fairfield 27
Pool B
Bunnell 39, Xavier 24
Bunnell 34, New Milford 31
Bunnell 43, Masuk 23
New Milford 50, Masuk 14
New Milford 50, Xavier 18
Xavier 37, Masuk 36, criteria
Championship: Trumbull 40, Bunnell 25
Consolation: New Milford vs. Simsbury, no match
5th place: Shelton vs. Xavier, no match
7th place: Masuk 51, New Fairfield 22
* * * *
Glastonbury Duals
At Glastonbury
Pool A
Glastonbury 40, Newington 22
Glastonbury 73, Westfield Mass. 3
Newington 49, Westfield, Mass. 27
Pool B
Mansfield, Mass. 47, Manchester 26
Mansfield, Mass. 42, Stamford 33
Stamford 52, Manchester 24
Championship: Glastonbury 53, Mansfield, Mass. 16
Consolation: Stamford 37, Newington 33
5th place: Manchester 57, Westfield, Mass. 24
* * * *
Bristol Central Invitational
At Bristol
Team scores: 1. Bristol Eastern, 234.5; 2. Waterford, 223; 3. Bristol Central, 201.5; 4. Ledyard, 180; 5. Plainville 165; 6. Farmington, 137; 7. Ridgefield 124; Cranston East (R.I.), 110; 9. East Catholic, 85; 10. Gloucester Catholic (N.J.), 56.5; 11. Branford, 55; 12. Woodstock Academy, 40; 13. Thomaston, 16.
95 (unofficial, not in scoring) Final -- R. Carbonell, BC, pin E. Orell, Farmington, 2:03; 3rd -- N. Smutinck, Woodstock Acad., pin S. Pratte, BC JV, 1:59; 5th -- Cozens, Ridgefield, pin J. Ahern, Farmington JV, 1:39
103: Final – Alexander Blank, Ridgefield, dec. Greg Brown, Plainville, 11-1; 3rd -- A. Knauder, Gloucester Catholi, dec. L Walsh, Farmington, 11-5; 5th -- R Sgandurra, Waterford, pin M. Korduner, Waterford JV, 4:45
112: Final – Chris Lombardi, BC, tech fall Shane DeCristafaro, Cranston East, RI., 18-2; 3rd – Vinny Spinelli, BE, dec. Z. Davis, Ledyard, 14-1; 5th -- E. Bailey, Farmington, Default
119: Final – Cory Paulish, Ridgefield, dec. Chris Malenfant, BC, 9-1; 3rd -- K. Viticonte, Cranston East, RI., dec. B. Martin, BE, 12-4; 5th -- M. Brinano, Farmington, dec. T. Ferris, Woodstock Acad., 7-3
125: Final -- Nick Cavallaro, Plainville, pin Greg Labbe, BC, 1:16; 3rd -- R. Marci, Farmington, pin Z. Levine, Woodstock Acad., 4:51; 5th – Jordan Dess, BE, dec. A. Valente, Gloucester Catholi, 10-3
130: Final -- Chris Ebersole, Waterford, dec. A. Bagdanovich, Cranston East, RI., 9-1; 3rd – Max Saglimbeni, BE, dec. J. Conti, Branford, 6-2; 5th -- R. Guarino, Plainville, dec. R. Lamothe, BC, 4-1
135: Final – T.J. Hepburn, Ledyard, dec. Brennan Ward, Waterford, 16-3; 3rd: (tie) Nick Marozzi, BE and Nick Capodi (BE); 5th -- M. McGovern, Gloucester Catholi, dec. M. Lydem, BC, 6-4
140: Final – Andrew Cyr, BC, dec. Anthony Cioci, Waterford, 9-8; 3rd – Nick Tenan, BE, pin T. Moore, Ledyard, 5:03; 5th -- M. Acca, Plainville, dec. R. Rivera, Farmington, 8-6
145: Final -- Kenneth O'Brien, Waterford, default over Andrew Brown, Ledyard; 3rd -- Todd Krolikowski, BE, dec. J. Darley, BC, 4-0; 5th -- M. Cobuzzi, Plainville, dec. C. Suhre, Farmington, 11-5
152: Final -- Sean Adkins, Waterford, dec. Michael Baker, Ledyard, 7-5; 3rd: (tie) M. Bulger, Plainville and XXXXX; 5th -- D. Orlando, BE, default over P. Travisano, Branford
160: Final – Italo Marino, BE, pin C.Liguore, East Catholic, 0:24; 3rd – vacated; 4th -- D. Caruso, Plainville, None; 5th -- M. Bevilaqua, Branford dec. M. Gura, BE JV, 11-3
171: Final -- Sean McKnight, Ridgefield, pin Tom Clark, East Catholic, 2:59; 3rd -- P. Neilan, Waterford dec. T. Gilbert, Ledyard, 3-0; 5th – C.J. Chaika, BE, pin B. Sparks, Plainville, 4:21
189: Final -- Nate Shippie, East Catholic, dec. M. Forcier, Cranston East, RI., 12-5; 3rd -- M. Dabrowski, BC, dec. J. Coyle, Farmington, 10-2; 5th -- J. Braungard, Ledyard, dec. J. Dionne, BE, 5-3
215: Final -- Julian Hightower, Ledyard, pin Kia Gholampour, Farmington, 3:08; 3rd -- J. Maljevic, BC, dec. R. Carbone, BE, 6-3; 5th -- N. Petroni, East Catholic pin R. Ciccheses, Ridgefield, 3:30
275: Final -- Cory Zapatka, Plainville, dec. Bryan Grote, Waterford, 3-1; 3rd -- S. Hiller, Ridgefield, pin E. Tuller, BC, 3:50; 5th -- M. Paprazzo, BE, pin T. Chambers, BC JV, 2:47
Fast fall – Nick Cavallaro, Plainville (125), 4 pins in 6:33
NOTE: There were two ties for third place because wrestlers reached their maximum of five matches as legislated by the CIAC.
* * * *
Redskin Invitational
At Sanford, Maine
Team results – 1. Camden Hills ME 168, 2. Danbury, CT 160, 3. Lowell, Mass., 150, 4. Timberlane, N.H. 141, 5. Noble ME 125.5, 6. Concord, NH 121.5, 7. Foxcroft Academy ME 107, 8. Cumberland RI 106, 9. Massabesic ME 100, 10. Mountain Valley ME 93.5, 11. Belfast ME 91.5, 12. Lisbon ME 82, 13. Marshwood ME 65.5, 14. Oxford Hills ME 59, 15. Independent 49, 16. Bonny Eagle ME 42, 17. Sanford ME 34, 18. Biddeford ME 32.5, 19. Westbrook, ME 7
Individual results
103 Final: Brandon Gauthier (Lowell) def. Steve Aissis (Cumberland) 5-4; 3rd: Dan Breen (Concord) pin. Bryan Anderson (Noble) 5:14
112 Final: Jeremiah Barkac (Ind.) def. Bill Cole (Ind.) 11-5; 3rd: Murphy McGowan (Camden Hills) Major Dec. Kyle Leduc (Cumberland) 11-3
119 Final: Eric Morrill (Timberlane) pin. Jake Badger (Noble), 1:17; 3rd: Bobby Dedovic (Bonny Eagle) pin. Jimmy Spencer (Belfast) 4:15
125 Final: Matt Gauthier (Lowell) def. Joe McGowan (Camden Hills) 9-4; 3rd: Tyler Clark (Lisbon) pin. Peter Bronder (Noble) 0:24
130 Final: Mike Betty (Lowell) def. Tony Gilmore (Belfast) 4-3; 3rd: Tyler Howe (Danbury) Major Dec. Alex Buessing (Concord) 8-0
135 Final: Jon Hussey (Marshwood) def. Tyler Saltsman (Concord) 7-6; 3rd: Dean Smith (Danbury) pin. Derek Young (Camden Hills) 3:16
140 Final: Jerod Rideout (Foxcroft) def. Mike McCrillis (Noble), 8-3; 3rd: Jacob Berry (Camden Hills) dec. Travis Boucher (Concord) 3-1
145 Final: Frank Cammisa (Danbury) pin. Cody Laite (Camden Hills) 1:26; 3rd: Chris Cayer (Mountain Valley) dec. John Foley (Cumberland) 4-3
152 Final Brian Sheehan (Lowell) Inj. def. Donny Connolly (Timberlane); 3rd: Kyle Rodgers (Danbury) dec. Doug Williams (Sanford) 7-2
160 Final: Cody Loiselle (Marshwood) def. Travis Spencer (Belfast) 5-3; 3rd: Alan Loignon (Biddeford) dec. Tom Moulton (Oxford Hills) 3-2
171 Final: Derek Sickel (Timberlane) Maj. dec. Logan Kelley (Belfast) 16-5 ; 3rd: Jeff Esposito (Danbury) dec. Josh Eon (Massabesic) 7-3
189 Final: Jesse Rayworth (Noble) def. Shawn Hall (Massabesic) 8-5; 3rd: Dave Taylor (Concord) dec. Keith Brown (Oxford Hills) 2-1
215 Final: Brendan Bradley (Mountain Valley) pin JT Petrillo (Timberlane) 1:53; 3rd: James McPhee (Foxcroft) dec. Mark Stambach (Lisbon) 8-2
275 Final: Josh Pelletier (Foxcroft) def. Dave Smith (Mountain Valley) by forfeit; 3rd: Cam McCarthy (Timberlane) dec. Corey Holland (Massabesic) 3-1

Chad Antoch Memorial Tournament at Westerly
At Westerly, R.I. (partial results)
Team results – 1. Carmel, N.Y., 2. Griswold 137.5.
Others: 7. Chario, R.I., 8. Westerly, R.I.
Individual results
112: Tyler Banks, Griswold dec. Vinny Argese, Carmel, 10-3
125: 2. Brock Coutu, Griswold
130: 3. Sam Wilcox, Griswold
135: Matt Accetta, Narragansett, RI dec. Jeff Swiderski, Chariho, 6-2
140: Sean Fisher, Griswold dec. Matt Franco, Johnston, R.I., 4-0
145: James Gladue, Griswold pin Kyle Gadoury, West Warwick, RI 5:27
160: 2. Will Traver, Westerly
189: 1. Jared Andrade, Exeter-West Greenwich dec. Jeff Hebert, Westerly, 16-1
215: 1. Aaron Rousseau, Chariho; 3. Brian McNeil, Griswold
275: 4. Brendan Brackett, Griswold

n Windsor, Bethel, Fermi, Maloney, Holy Cross, Middletown, Vinal Tech, Platt High, East Haven, RHAM, Wethersfield at Spartan Invitational (Maloney)

Bacon Academy 36, East Windsor 28
At South Windsor
103 Ryan Quinn (B) dec  Rob West, 7-0; 112 Jake Miller (EW) dec Jon Kotsch, 10-2; 119 Alan Berta (B) forfeit; 125 Kenneth McKenna (B) pin Joe Titus, 3:47; 130 Cody Johnston (EW) dec Matt Roath, 6-0; 135 Brian Silvernail (EW) pin Matt Dresser, 0:58; 140 Shawn Larkin (EW) pin Jeff Shorts, 5:29; 145 Chris Casaol (EW) dec Matt Bishel, 10-8; 152 Ryan Mednick (B) forfeit; 160 Freddy Parlos (EW) dec Sam Smith, 2-0 OT; 171 Eric Bottomely (EW) dec Sam Cox, 3-2 ; 189 Jerry Thompson (B) pin Chris Gabriel, 1:01; 215 Matt Chalmers (B) pin Art Podbulski, 1:34 ; 275 Brian Webster (B) dec John Sedor, 5-3;

Bacon Academy 64, Cheney Tech 15
At South Windsor
119 Mike Methot (C) pin Alan Berta, 4:30; 125 Joe Pardi (C) pin Kenneth McKenna, 0:11; 130 Tom Pelleter (C) dec Matt Roath, 7-1; 135 Matt Dresser (B) pin Travis Faucher, 3:59; 140 Jeff Shorts (B) pin Tim Coffey, 1:20; 145 Matt Bishel (B) forfeit; 152 Ryan Mednick (B) pin Mike Coffey, 2:27; 160 Sam Smith (B) forfeit; 171 Sam Cox (B) forfeit; 189 Jerry Thompson (B) pin Andrew Ostashen, 1:12; 215 Matt Chalmers (B) dec Elijah Williams, 10-0 ; 275 Brian Webster (B) pin Jon Rodriquez, 3:35; 103 Ryan Quinn (B) forfeit; 112 Jon Kotsch (B) pin Nick Digregurio, 5:26;

Conard 41, Bacon Academy 31
At South Windsor
125 Brett Kalbacker (C) pin Kenneth McKenna, 1:02; 130 Matt Roath (B) pin Shawn Rowe, 1:13; 135 Waite (C) pin Matt Dresser, 0:44; 140 Jeff Kalbacker (C) pin Jeff Shorts (B), 1:49; 145 Kyle Mayer (C) dec Matt Bishel, 12-3; 152 Cheverier (C) dec Ryan Mednick, 5-2; 160 Sam Smith (B) dec. Shrek, 10-3; 171 Frazer (C) dec Sam Cox, 10-0; 189 Jerry Thompson (B) pin Arnold, 11-1; 215 Matt Chalmers (B) pin Schram, 5:53 ; 275 Kenyor (C) pin Brian Webster, 1:25; 103 Ryan Quinn (B) pin Flink, 3:17; 112 Nguyen (C) pin Jon Kotsch, 0:28; 119 Alan Berta (B) pin Vanderpol, 2:30

NFA 42, Bacon Academy 32
At South Windsor
103  Ryan Quinn (B) Dec  Jay Gwaizdowski, 17-2;  112  Jon Kotsch (B) Pin Micelli, 1:40; 119 Beau Richards (N) Dec Alan Berta, 12-3;  125 Craig Babcock (N) Pin Kenneth McKenna, 0:26; 130   Jacob Ouelette (N) Pin Matt Roath, :44;  135  Darryl Mayer (N) Pin Matt Dresser, 1:28, 140   Phil Kerr (N) Pin Jeff Shorts, 1:55; 145   Derek Waldron (N) Pin  Tim Emory, 2:41;  152   Ryan Mednick (B) Dec  James Hamois, 11-4;  160   Sam Smith (B) Pin Chimeliwski, 3;15; 171   Jerry Thompson (B) Pin Tripp, 1:08;  189  Murphy (N) Dec Sam Cox, 15-2; 215  Matt Chalmers (B) Pin Sebastian, 3:23;  275 Ward (N) Pin Brianwebster, 0:45
Record: Bacon Academy 11-3

Canton 52, Gilbert 17
At Barkhamsted
130 pounds – Mike Jones (Ca) dec. Aaron Hester, 12-11; 135 – Tim Murphy (Ca) pin James Dombrowski, 1:35; 140: Bruce Nappi (Ca) pin Tyler Burke, 0:50; 145: Dana Nappi (Ca) dec. Tore Lovetra, 9-1; 152: Jason Watson (Ca) forfeit; 160: Dan Leduc (Ca) pin Luis Lopez, 0:48; 171: John Groth (G) dec. Justin Ledbetter, 10-5; 189: Bob Delvecchio (Ca) pin Alex Snedeker, 3:05; 215: Garret Kulik (Ca) pin Andrew Pimentel, 0:54; 275: Lindsay Barth (Ca) dec. Chris Shank, 10-7; 103: Tony DeCato (G) forfeit; 112: Pat Upton (G) dec. Josh Bregman, 10-1; 119: Ryan Maglietti (Ca) pin Mike Gables, 1:10; 125: John Barnowski (G) dec. Nate Kempe, 19-6

Canton 54, Northwestern Regional 24
At Barkhamsted
135 – Murphy (Ca) pin Shane Gilbert, 3:00; 140: Jose Oyola (Ca) forfeit; 145: Nick Bristol (Ca) pin George Llano, 4:28; 152: Alister Liljedahl (Ca) pin Mike McCotter, 4:57; 160: Watson (Ca) pin John Farkas, 1:09; 171: Ledbetter (Ca) pin Andy Perillo, 1:26; 189: Delvecchio (Ca) pin Kevin Shapleigh, 1:11; 215: Kulik (Ca) pin Steve Kacaac, 0:40; 275: Barth (Ca) forfeit; 103: double forfeit; 112: Tim Mandel (NW) pin Bregman, 0:45; 119: Nate Smith (NW) pin Mike Rossley, 5:48; 125: Zach Humphrey (NW) pin Doug Steen, 1:18; 130: Mike Berger (NW) pin Jones, 5:29

St. Bernard 40, Canton 37
At Barkhamsted
145: Bristol (Ca) pin Christian Mulcahy, 1:52; 152: Watson (Ca) dec. Kevin Bentley, 10-8, OT (6:38); 160: Ledbetter (Ca) pin Brian Benoit, 1:23; 171: Leduc (Ca) forfeit; 189: Delvecchio (Ca) pin Charley Burgeois, 0:29; 215: Kyle Graham (S) pin Kulik, 3:57; 275: Barth (Ca) pin Jake Khiska, 0:40; 103: James Driscoll (S) forfeit; 112: Mike Dailey (S) pin Bregman, 2:57; 119: David Dailey (S) pin Maglietti, 1:28; 125: Alex Deletgen (S) pin Kempe, 1:54; 130: Anthony Samborski (S) dec. Jones, 11-2; 135: Murphy (Ca) dec. Chris Childs, 14-3; 140: J.P. Roesseler (S) pin Bruce Nappi, 1:51

Canton 48, Rocky Hill 24
At Barkhamsted
152: Watson (Ca) forfeit; 160: Brendon Held (RH) dec. Rossley, 15-12; 171: Ledbetter (Ca) pin Rich Michalski, 0:23; 189: Delvecchio (Ca) forfeit; 215: Kulik (Ca) forfeit; 275: Barth (Ca) forfeit; 103: double forfeit; 112: Kevin O’Leary (RH) pin Bregman 3:14; 119: Roop Singh (RH) pin Mike Rossley, 1:48; 125: Eganbino Agolli (RH) pin Nate Haller, 4:26; 130: T.J. Magnoli (RH) dec. Mike Jones, 7-2; 135: Murphy (Ca) forfeit; 140: Oyola (Ca) forfeit; 145: Bristol (Ca) forfeit

Suffield 48, Canton 23
At Barkhamsted
160: Ledbetter (Ca) tech fall Bojan Bojic, 18-0, 5:17; 171: Jason Pioggia (S) pin Leduc, 1:05; 189: Pat Sullivan (S) pin Delvecchio, 1:18; 215: Nick Mavis (S) pin Kulik, 3:33; 275: Jamelle Stevenson (S) pin Barth, 1:36; 103: double forfeit; 112: Bregman (Ca) forfeit; 119: Maglietti (Ca) forfeit; 125: Shane Lewis (S) pin Doug Steen, 0:31; 130: Dale Rollette (S) pin Jones, 1:50; 135: Ross Matrix (S) dec. Oyola, 6-4; 140: Evan Bojic (S) dec. Ethan Leach, 5-4; 145: Nick Bristol (Ca) pin Jamal Saleh, 1:12; 152: Dave Shelansks (S) DQ over Dana Nappi, 4:03
Other match: 152: Nate Bishop, Old Saybrook pin Alister Liljedahl, Canton, 0:29

Jonathan Law 55, Fairfield Ludlowe 19
At Seymour
103: Willhelm (L) pin Roy 1:39; 112: Chetcuti (L) pin Jennings 1:55; 119: Jiravisitcul (L) dec. Shallav 9-0; 125: Hines (FL) pin Gallacano 2:55; 130: Root (L) forfeit; 135: Marsette (L) dec. Donovan 12-7; 140: Vena (FL) dec. Abelli (L) 6-2; 145: Carberry (FL) dec. Abbotts 16-4; 152: B. Nihart (L) pin Donovan 3:44; 160: Thornberg (L) pin Ragoza 3:23; 171: Hardison (L) pin Deabrev 0:44; 189: J. Nihart (L) pin Osborn 0:46; 215: Foster (FL) pin Williston 1:56; 275: Bacash (L) pin Goeller (FL) 1:52.

Jonathan Law 71, Darien 6
At Seymour
103: Willhelm (L) pin Testa 3:26; 112: Chetcuti (L) tech. fall Foley 15-0; 119: Jiravisitcul (L) pin Ligulori 3:09; 125: Gallicano (L) forfeit; 130: Root (L) forfeit; 135: Marsette (L) pin Brooks 2:44; 140: Abelli (L) dec. Sandor 10-8; 145: B. Nihart (L) dec. Yamaguchi 4-2; 152: Dizeo (D) pin Abbotts 3:10; 160: Thornberg (L) pin Yarish 2:18; 171: Hardison (L) pin Panaugias 1:00; 189: J. Nihart (L) pin Coughlin 0:34; 215: Williston (L) forfeit; 275: Bacash (L) pin Murphy 1:08.

Seymour 40, Law 36
At Seymour
103: Willhelm (L) forfeit; 112: Chase-Patrick (S) pin Chetcuti 1:22; 119: Gallicano (L) pin McGrath 1:51; 125: Fryburger (S) pin Root 4:38; 130: Hogestyn (S) pin Marsette 5:05; 135: Abelli (L) dec. Bowllick 11-7; 140: Phil Marini (S) pin Luke Watterston 4:00; 145: Plumb (S) dec. B. Nihart 9-1; 152: Begiar (S) pin Abbotts 1:01; 160: Sherbo (S) pin Thornberg 3:34; 171: Hardison (L) pin Wasikawisk 3:28; 189: J. Nihart (L) forfeit; 215: Williston (L) dec. Capps 6-1; 275: Bacash (L) pin Bunn 5:07.

Avon 45, Jonathan Law 24
At Seymour
103: Willhelm (L) pin Tripodi 0:33; 112: Lim (A) dec. Chetcuti (L) 10-7; 119: Lara (A) pin Jiravisitcul 3:03; 125: Gallacano (L) pin Deleo 0:53; 130: Root (L) dec. Timmie 3-1; 135: Twhitehall (A) pin Marsette 1:19; 140: Marshall (A) tech. fall Abelli 20-2; 145: Watterson (L) dec. Pearson 7-6; 152: Huddy (A) pin B. Nihart 2:52; 160: Walsh (A) pin Thornberg 2:31; 171: Vallee (A) dec. Hardison 3-1; 189: J. Nihart forfeit; 215: Rodriguez (A) pin Williston (L) 3:12; 275: Mancini (A) dec. Bacash 16-7

Jonathan Law 55, Foran 17
At Seymour
103: Willhelm (L) forfeit; 112: Chetcuti (L) dec. A. Kristie 8-4; 119: Gallacano (L) dec. Thriault 14-2; 125: J. Kristie (F) dec. Jiravisitcul 9-0; 130: Marsette (L) pin Thompson 1:22; 135: Farrell (F) dec. Abelli 14-4; 140: Cammarrano (F) dec. Watterson 6-3; 145: B. Nihart (L) pin Wood 1:34; 152: Abbotts (L) forfeit; 160: Thornberg (L) pin Telesco 0:19; 171: Hardison (L) forfeit; 189: J. Nihart (L) pin Woolmer 1:01; 215: Williston (L) forfeit; 275: Wilkinson (F) pin Bacash 3:27
Records: Law 13-3

Avon 49, Seymour 23
At Seymour
103: Joe Triporli (A) wins by forfeit; 112: Kurtis Chase-Patrick (S) def. Youngin Jim 14-0; 119: Esie Lara (A) pin John McGrath 1:28; 125: Cody Fryburger (S) pin Mike Dero 0:43; 130: Gage Hogerstyn def. Alden Timmie 5-3; 135: Adam Twichtal (A) pin Casey Bowalick 1:25; 140: Jerry Marshall (A) def. Phil Morini 6-1; 145: Chris Plumb (S) pin Bobby Pearson 3:09; 152: Mike Sherbo (S) def. Evan Huddy 16-6; 160: Brendon Wlash (A) pin Arsen Beqiarj 5:27; 171: Will Vallee (A) pin EJ Wasikawski 1:44; 189: David Rodriguez (A) wins by forfeit; 215: Andy Stiange (A) def. Pat Capps 13-2; 275: Al Moncini (A) pin Adam Bunn 1:17

Seymour 54, Fairfield Ludlowe 24
At Seymour
103: Tom Boy (FL) wins by forfeit; 112: Kurtis Chase-Patrick (S) wins by forfeit; 119: John McGrath (S) pin Peter Burg 0:48; 125: Rowan Hines (FL) def. Cody Fryburger 8-3; 130: Ryan Fletcher (S) wins by forfeit; 135: Gage Hogestyn (S) pin Adam Donovan 1:56; 140: Phil Morini (S) def. Nick Vena 11-3; 145: Chris Plumb (S) pin Max Connery 1:48; 152: Mike Sherba (S) pin Emmit Donovan 3:36; 160: Arsen Beqiarj (S) wins by forfeit; 171: Pedro Degreu (FL) def. EJ Wasinawski 13-11; 189: Pat Osborne (FL) wins by forfeit; 215: Craig Foster (FL) pin Pat Capps 5:49; 275: Adam Bunn (S) wins by forfeit.

Seymour 57, Darien 21
At Seymour
103: Testa (D) wins by forfeit; 112: Kurtis Chase-Patrick (S) pin Wycler 0:59; 119: Jonn McGrath (S) pin Foley 4:22; 125: Cody Fryburger (S) pin Ligori; 130: Gage Hogestyn (S) wins by forfeit; 135: Casey Bowlick (S) pin Brooks 1:34; 140: Phil Marini (S) pin Sander 1:56; 145: Chris Plumb def. Yamaguchi 5-1; 152: Mike Sherbo (S) pin Dizeo 1:40; 160: Yarish (D) def. Justin Ford 7-3; 171: EJ Wasikawski (S) pin Kominski 1:17; 189: Coughlin (D) pin Kenny Morrisette 3:30; 215: Pat Capps (S) wins by forfeit; 275: Murphy (D) pin Adam Bunn 1:18.

Seymour 48, Foran 27
At Seymour
103: double forfeit; 112: Kurtis Chase-Patrick (S) pin Andrew Kristie 3:41; 119: Rick Theriault (F) pin John McGrath 2:25; 125: Justin Kristie (F) pin Cody Fryburger 5:39; 130: Gage Hogstyn (S) pin John Carboe 1:31; 135: Liam Farrell (F) pin Casey Bowlick 3:11; 140: Brian Commorrano (F) pin Phil Marini 3:52; 145: Chris Plumb (S) pin John Vicod 1:20; 152: Arsen Beqiarj (S) wins by forfeit; 160: Mike Sherbo (S) pin Jake Telesko 1:17; 171: WJ Wasikawski (S) wins by forfeit; 189: Kenny Morrisette (S) pin Jake Wooliner 3:24; 215: Pat Capps (S) wins by forfeit; 275: Rob Wilibson (F) def. Adam Bunn 8-6.

Avon 70, Fairfield Ludlowe 12
At Seymour
103 Joe Tripodi  (A) over  Jack Clark  Maj. Dec. 18-7; 112 Young Lim  (A)   forfeit; 119 Este Lara  (A)  over  Peter Berg  pin 0:57; 125 Rowan Hines  (FL)  over  Mike Defeo  pin 4:55; 130 Alden Timmie  (A)   forfeit; 135 Adam Witchtall (A)  over  Davis Burroughs  pin 2:36; 140 Jarred Marshall  (A)  over  Ryan Vansant  pin 3:14; 145 Bobby Walsh  (A)  over  Max Carberry  pin 0:55; 152 Evan Huddy  (A)  over Emett Donovan pin 0:26; 160 Brendan Walsh (A)  over  Dennis Ragoza pin 5:43; 171 Will Valles (A)  over  Harry Fuchs  pin 0:30 ; 189 David Rodriguez (A) over  Pat Osborn  pin 1:41; 215 Craig Foster  (FL)  over  Andy St. Onge  pin 2:48 ; 275 A.J. Mancini (A) over  Travis Goeller  pin 1:32

Fairfield Ludlowe 48, Foran 27
At Seymour
103 Tommy Roy  (FL)  forfeit; 112 Andrew Kristie  (F)   forfeit; 119 Rick Theriault  (F)  over  Peter Berg  pin 1:53; 125 Justin Kristie (F)  over  Rowan Hines  dec. 9-2; 130 Brian Thompson  (F)   forfeit; 135 Adam Donovan  (FL) over  Liam Farrell  pin 5:28; 140 Nick Vena  (FL) over  Zack Cammarrano dec. 8-2; 145 Max Carberry  (FL) over  John Wood  dec. 4-2; 152 Emett Donovan  (FL)  forfeit; 160 Dennis Ragoza  (FL) over  Jay Telesco  pin 3:04 ; 171 Pedro Deabreu  (FL)  forfeit; 189 Pat Osborn  (FL)   forfeit; 215 Craig Foster  (FL)  over  Jake Woolmer  pin 0:33 ; 275 Rob Wilkinson  (F)   forfeit

Trumbull 60, Shelton 17
At Trumbull
103-Nick Custodio (T) pin Keith Henion 2:46; 112-John Lemoine (T) pin Nick Amico 1:48; 119-Chris Ly (S) dec. Rich Reher 6-5; 125-Justin Krofssik (S) dec. Aaron Rodgerson 7-5; 130-Steve Lemoine (T) pin Mark Spisto 5:03; 135-Casey Smith (T) pin Nirav Shah 1:27; 140-Matt Ehalt (S) tech fall Mike Von Stein 17-0; 145-Jon Belaus (T) pin Anthony Abraham 0:24; 152-Rob Von Stein (T) pin Derek Lezcysnki 3:10; 160-Nick Sam (T) pin Ben Melsenti 4:36; 171-Nick Hubbard (T) pin James Voytek 1:52; 189-Erik Sommers (T) forfeit; 215-Rich Moran (T) pin Phil Abarahm 2:15; 275-Anell Montanez (T) pin Andrew Marsilio 1:54

Shelton 48, New Fairfield 27
At Trumbull
103-Keith Henion (S) forfeit; 112-Nick Amico (S) dec. Mikhail Grant 8-6; 119-Chris Ly (S) pin Jimmy Klecker :53; 125-Jusitn Krofssik (S) pin D.J. McCarthy 1:17; 130-Mark Spisto (S) dec. Shawn Gallagher 5-4, 2 OT; 135-Nirav Shah (S) pin Ben DiFabbio 1:33; 140-Matt Ehalt (S) forfeit; 145-Shane Yachuluke (N) pin Anthony Abraham 1:47; 152-Joe Wabshinak (N) pin Derek Lezcynski 3:45; 160-Ben Melsenti (S) forfeit; 171-T.J. Silva (N) dec. Nick Hubbard 7-1; 189-Mike See (N) forfeit; 215-Dave Carruba (N) pin Phil Abraham 1:01; 275-Andrew Marsilio (S) pin Jim Wild 4:31

Simsbury 41, Shelton 29
At Trumbull
103-Scott Carlson (Simsbury) pin Keith Henion 2:31; 112-Nick Amico (Shelton) pin Mike Goldfarb :32; 119-Chris Ly (Shelton) pin Derek Magnon 1:16; 125-Justin Krofssik (Shelton) pin Chris Schiano :55; 130-Steve Brant (Simsbury) pin Mark Spisto 3:10; 135-Brent MacDonald (Simsbury) pin Nirav shah :59; 140-Matt Ehalt (Shelton) tech falls Grant Osbourne 18-2; 145-Randy Mintz (Simsbury) injury default over Anthony Abraham; 152-Dan Argast (Simsbury) pin Derek Leszczynski 1:17; 160-Cameron Martin (Simsbury) dec. Ben Melsenti 11-6; 171-John Steele (Simsbury) pin Nick Hubbard 3:30; 189-Double forfeit; 215-Phil Abraham (Shelton) DQ over Marcuz Furze; 275-Zach Heintz (Simsbury) pin Andrew Marsilio 1:33
Record:  Shelton 3-8

Trumbull 58, New Fairfield 16
At Trumbull
103: Nick Custodio (T) wins by forfeit; 112: Jon Lemoine (T) pin Mikahal Grant 0:27; 119: Rich Reher (T) pin Jimmy Klecker 1:10; 125: Aaron Rodgerson (T) def. DJ McCarthy 9-0; 130: Steve Lemoine (T) def. Shawn Gallegher 4-0; 135: Casey Smith (T) pin Ben Difabbil 0:39; 140: Mike Vonstein (T) wins by forfeit; 145: Shane Yachulke (NF) def. Rob Vonstein 15-3; 152: Joe Wabshinak (NF) wins by forfeit; 160: Nick Sam (T) wins by forfeit; 171: Mike See (NF) pin James Voytek 3:22; 189: Erik Sommer (T) pin Chris Annese 0:47; 215: Rich Moran (T) def. Dave Carubba 11-5; 275: Anel Montanez (T) pin Jim Wild 1:06.

Trumbull 48, Simsbury 26
At Trumbull
103: Nick Custodio (T)pin Scott Schiano 2:23; 112: John Lemoine (T) pin Mike Goldfalb 0:40; 119: Rich Reher (T) pin Derek Goldfalb 1:52; 125: Aaron Rodgerson (T) pin Chris Schiano 1:14; 130: Steve Brant (S) pin Vinny Pappas 1:22; 135: Brent McDonald (S) def. Casey Smith 16-3; 140: Mike Vonstein (T) pin Grant Osbourne 1:07; 145: Randy Mintz (S) def. John Belaus 16-2; 152: Dan Argast (S) def. Rob Vonstein 16-9; 160: Nick Sam (T) pin Cameron Martin 1:02; 171: John Steele (S) pin James Voytek 0:28; 189: Marcus Furze (S) def. Erik Sommer 8-7; 215: Rich Moran (T) pin Drew Clarke 0:17; 275: Anel Monantez (T) pin Zach Heintz 0:55.

New Milford 50, Masuk 14
At Trumbull
103: Anthony Ammarando (NM) tech fall. Kenny Pancoast, 17-0; 112: Nick Baccarella (M) pin Andrew Falendici, 4:33; 119: Edin Mesanovic (NM) pin Zach Flashman, 1:59; 125: Spiros Stephanatos (NM) pin Jim Viglione, 1:25; 130: Dan Cahalane (NM) dec. Micah Flashman, 6-3; 135: Corbin Bradshaw (NM) dec. Jim Giff, 5-2; 140: Mike Bellagamba (NM) pin Nikko Confortini, 0:52; 145: Cody Griswold (NM) forfeit; 152: Samuel Molina (M) dec. Jamie Pisano, 6-2; 160: P.J. Arnold (NM) pin Burak Buyuksolak, 3:39; 171: Thad Diamond (NM) pin Dave Lazariuk, 3:14; 189: Bill Ryan (M) tech. fall Chris Leier, 16-0; 215: Steve Bedrick (NM) dec. Cody Hoskins, 8-4; 275: Tom Ferrel (NM) pin Paul Fenaroli, 3:31.

Xavier 37, Masuk 36, criteria
At Trumbull
103: Kenny Pancoast (M) dec. Ryan Russo, 8-5; 112: Nick Baccarella (M) pin Kevin Larson, 3:16; 119: Collin Carabette (X) pin Zach Flashman, 1:51; 125: Alex Gonzales (X) dec. Jim Viglione, 3-2; 130: Micah Flashman (M) pin Justin Lavette, 2:26; 135: Phil Silverio (X) dec. Jim Giff, 3-1 (OT); 140: Brian Meskill (X) pin Nikko Confortini, 1:26; 145: Dom Uvino (X) forfeit; 152: Samuel Molina (M) pin Will Booz, 1:32; 160: John Holzinger (X) pin Burak Buyuksolak, 1:20; 171: Noel Rodriguez (M) dec. Ryan Venelis, 7-5 (OT); 189: Dave Kroha (X) pin Bill Ryan, 4:58; 215: Dan Castillo (M) pin Paul Smith, 1:56; 275: Paul Fenaroli (M) pin Alex Perry, 1:00.

Bunnell 48 Masuk 23
At Trumbull
103: Kenny Pancoast (M) maj. dec. Kevin Workman, 16-3; 112: Rob Flader (B) dec. Nick Baccarella, 21-15; 119: Marc Halper (B) pin Ken Duclos, 1:50; 125: Jim Viglione (M) dec. Evan Jacobs, 12-8; 130: D.J. Bogusky (B) maj. dec. Micah Flashman, 9-0; 135: Dan Mackowicki (B) pin Jim Giff, 5:07; 140: Yuri Avila (B) pin Nikko Confortini, 0:51; 145: Washington Gordon (B) forfeit; 152: Samuel Molina (M) maj. dec. Jamie Blackwell, 14-0; 160: Ryan Hehn (B) pin Burak Buyuksolak, 5:55; 171: David Blackwell (B) dec. Noel Rodriguez, 7-3; 189: Bill Ryan (M) forfeit; 215: Brian Huribal (B) dec. Cody Hoskins, 5-2; 275: Paul Fenaroli (M) pin Felix Berrios, 0:31.

Masuk 51 New Fairfield 22
At Trumbull
103: Kenny Pancoast (M) forfeit; 112: Nick Baccarella (M) dec. Mikhail Grant, 15-12; 119: Jimmy Klecker (NF) dec. Ken Duclos, 6-5; 125: D.J. McCarthy (NF) maj. dec. Jim Viglione, 12-1; 130: Micah Flashman (M) pin Shawn Gallagher, 5:35; 135: Jim Giff (M) pin Ron DiFabbio, :25; 140: Nikko Confortini (M) forfeit; 145: Shane Yachulke (NF) forfeit; 152: Samuel Molina (M) pin Joe Wabshinak, 1:45; 160: Stephen Sederquest (M) forfeit; 171: T.J. Silve (NF) dec. Burak Buyuksolak, 6-5; 189: Bill Ryan (M) pin Chris Annese, 1:45; 215: David Carrubba (NF) pin Dan Castillo, 3:35; 275: Paul Fenaroli (M) pin Jim Wild, 0:35.
Records: Masuk 9-5, 3-2 SWC.

Bunnell 39, Xavier 24
At Trumbull
103: Brian Russo (X) dec. Derrik Soares, 10-8; 112: Rob Flader (B) pin Kevin Larsen, 5:41; 119: Marc Halper (B) dec. Colin Carrabett, 11-0; 125: Alex Gonzalez (X) dec. Evan Jacobs, 6-1; 130: D.J. Bogusky (B) dec. Justin Lavette, 9-1; 135: Dan Mackowycki (B) pin Phil Silverio, 1:02; 140: Brian Meskill (X) dec. Jamie Blackwell, 9-2; 145: Yuri Avila (B) pin Dom, 4:00; 152: Albert Ortiz (B) dec. Will Booze, 15-6; 160: John Holzinger (X) pin Walter Ruliova, 2:00; 171: David Blackwell (B) pin Ryan Xenelis, 2:40; 189: Dave Kroha (X) pin Pat Morris, 3:17; 215: Brian Huribal (B) dec. Joe Broderick, 5-1; 275: Alex Perry (X) dec. Felix Berrios, 5-1.

Bunnell 34, New Milford 31
At Trumbull
103: Anthony Amarando (NM) pin Derrik Soares, 0:28; 112: Rob Flader (B) pin Andrew Falancki, 4:51; 119: Marc Halper (B) dec. Ed Mesanovic, 2-1; 125: Spivos Stephanatos (NM) dec. Evan Jacobs, 12-3; 130: D.J. Bogusky (B) tech. fall Dan Canalan, 15-0; 135: Dan Mackowycki (B) dec. Corbin Bradshaw, 16-7; 140: Mike Bellagamba (NM) dec. Yuri Avila, 14-0; 145: Cody Griswold (NM) dec. Washington Gordon, 5-0; 152: Jamie Pisano (NM) dec. Albert Ortiz, 17-1; 160: Ryan Hehn (B) pin D.J. Arnold, 1:00; 171: David Blackwell (B) dec. Gary Kline, 8-4; 189: Dan Perez (B) pin Fad Diamond, 4:41; 215: Steven Bendrick (NM) dec. Brian Huribal, 8-3; 275: Tom Farrell (NM) pin Felix Berrios, 1:10.

Trumbull 40, Bunnell 25
At Trumbull
103: Nick Custodio (T) tech. fall Derrik Soares, 15-0; 112: Fon Lamoire (T) pin Rob Flader, 1:11; 119: Rich Rener (T) dec. Marc Halper, 6-5; 125: Aaron Rodgerson (T) pin Evan Jacobs, 5:35; 130: D.J. Bogusky (B) dec. Steven Lemoire, 13-0; 135: Casey Smith (T) dec. Dan Mackowycki, 15-10; 140: Yuri Avila (B) dec. Mike Vonstein, 17-15; 145: Albert Ortiz (B) pin John Belaus, 3:40; 152: Washington Gordon (B) dec. Rob Vonstein, 9-3; 160: Ryan Hehn (B) dec. Nick Sam, 9-7; 171: David Blackwell (B) pin James Voylek, 2:50; 189: Eric Summer (T) dec. Dan Perez, 2-0; 215: Rich Moran (T) pin Brian Huribal, 3:00; 275: Anel Montanez (T) pin Felix Berrios, 0:49.
Records: Bunnell 10-1

Simsbury 46, New Fairfield 33
At Trumbull
171: T.J. Silva (NF) dec. John Steele 5-0; 189: Marcus Fueze (S) pinned Chris Annese 2:31; 215: Dave Carrubba (NF) pinned Drew Clarke 2:55; 275: Zack Heintz (S) pinned Jim Wild 1:13; 103: Scott Carison (S) won by forfeit; 112: Mihail Grant (NF) pinned Mike Goldfarb 3:00; 119: Derek Magnum (S) pinned Jimmy Klecker 1:47; 125: D.J. McCarthy (NF) pinned Chris Schiano 0:36; 130: Steve Brant (S) major dec. Shawn Gallagher 14-3; 135: Brent McDonald (S) pinned Ben DiFabbio 1:18; 140: Grant Osborne (S) won by forfeit; 145: Shane Yachulke (NF) won by forfeit; 152: Joe Wabshinak (NF) pinned Randy Mintz 2:53; 160: Dan Argast (S) injury default Ben Wantman.

Trumbull 58, New Fairfield 16
At Trumbull
215: Rick Moran (T) dec. Dave Carrubba 11-5; 275: Angel Montanez (T) pinned Jim Wild 1:05; 103: Nick Castodio (T) won by forfeit; 112: John Lamorn (T) pinned Mikhail Grant 0:27; 119: Derek Goldfarm (T) pinned Jimmy Klecker 1:10; 125: Aaron Rodgerson (T) major dec. D.J. McCarthy 9-0; 130: Steve Lamorn (T) dec. Shawn Gallagher 4-0; 135: Casey Smith (T) pinned Ben DiFabbio 0:43; 140: Mike Vonstein (T) won by forfeit; 145: Shane Yachulke (NF) major dec. Rob Vanstein 15-3; 152: Joe Wabshinak (NF) won by forfeit; 160: Nick Sam (T) won by forfeit; 171: Mike See (NF) pinned James Voytec 3:43; 189: Marcus Furze (T) pinned Chris Annese 0:53.

Masuk 51, New Fairfield 22
At Trumbull
275: P. Sehavoli (M) pinned Jim Wild 0:35; 103: K. Pancoast (M) won by forfeit; 112: N. Baccarella (M) dec. Mikhail Grant 3-0; 119: Jimmy Klecker (NF) dec. K. Duclous 6-5; 125: D.J. McCarthy (NF) major dec. J. Vigillone 12-1; 130: M. Flashman (M) pinned Shawn Gallagher 5:35; 135: Jim Gif (M) pinned Ben DiFabbio 0:25; 140: N. Consotini (M) won by forfeit; 145: Shane Yachulke (NF) won by forfeit; 152: S. Molina (M) pinned Joe Wabshinak 1:45; 160: B. Sederquest (M) won by forfeit; 171: T.J. Silva (NF) dec. B. Buyuksular 6-5; 189: Bill Ryan (M) pinned Chris Annese 1:45; 215: Dave Carubba (NF) pinned Dan Castillo 3:30.
RECORDS: New Fairfield 2-7.

Newtown 47, Weston 28
At Southington
103: Jamner (W) dec. Solhiem, 14-3; 112: Gouvea (N) dec. Kirschenbaum, 5-2; 119: Levene (W) pin Buskik, 4:53; 125: Bonomici (N) pin Pachman, 0:35; 130: Lipnick (N) pin P. Squillante, 3:54; 135: Resmicki (N) dec. Sandolo, 8-2; 140: O'Connor (N) pin Waterhouse, 1:47; 145: Bray (N) pin M. Squillante, 1:10; 152: Andrews (N) pin Allen, 3:14; 160: Bolea (W) pin Klalouski, 1:05; 171: Witter (W) pin Puffer, 0:55; 189: Aliaga (N) tech. fall Champtaloup, 16-0; 215: Kannon (W) pin Minalgo, 4:45; 275: Ansari (N) forfeit.
Record Newtown 7-4, 4-1 SWC

Fairfield Warde 45, Greenwich 30
At Southington
103: Wojnarski (F) fall Wanger 0:07; 112: Walsh (F) def. Gullota 13-0; 119: Watkins (F) def. Nahins 21-11; 125: Jaronbek (G) pin Siconolfi 1:20; 130: Abbey (F) pin Vancura 1:34; 135: Black (F) pin Hansen 1:37; 140: Clarke (G) pin Immer 0:49; 145: Jacobson (G) pin Gatins 0:50; 152: Sullivan (G) pin Walsh 1:06; 160: Graudiel (F) wins by forfiet; 171: Catapuno (F) def. Horine 10-0; 189: Anania (F) pin Rofa 1:20; 215: Casagrande (F) def. Williamson 8-4; 275: Gachlin (G) pin Potts 1:38.

Fairfield Warde 42, Cheshire 34
At Southington
103: Wojnarski (F) pin Briskin 3:19; 112: Waters (C) pin Walsh 3:46; 119: Watkins (F) pin Zomback 1:06; 125: Pollatto (C) pin Pagnozzi 1:01; 130: Notti (C) wins by forfeit; 135: Black (F) def. Wycozanski 6-4; 140: Zomback (C) def. Immer 7-1; 145: Tomlinson (C) pin Gatins 0:44; 152: Dillon (C) pin Walsh 1:34; 160: Graudiel (F) def. Erickson 5-3; 171: Massee (F) wins by forfeit; 189: Anania (F) wins by forfeit; 215: Casagrande (F) wins by forfeit; 275: Potts (F) pin Turner 1:57.
Records: Fairfield Warde 11-4.

Windham 65 Weston 9
At Southington
103: Marouski (Wi) pin Jamner, 1:38; 112: Cruz (Wi) dec. Kirschenbaum, 16-0; 119: Blian (Wi) dec. Levene, 14-2; 125: Torres (Wi) pin Pachman, 1:56; 130: Oquendo (Wi) pin P. Squillante, 4:57; 135: Sandolo (We) pin Izriarry, 2:47; 140: Santara (Wi) pin Waterhouse, 1:19; 145: Torres (Wi) tech. fall M. Squillante, 18-3; 152: Flemming (Wi) pin Waterhouse, 0:38; 160: Merced (Wi) pin Bolea, 1:30; 171: Crudden (Wi) pin Champtaloup,0:20; 189: Duhamel (Wi) dec. Witter, 8-6; 215: Kannon (We) dec. Ross, 8-3; 275: Padua (Wi) forfeit.

Amity 77, Weston 0
At Southington
103: Ciarcia (A) pin Jamner, 0:41; 112: Krohley (A) dec. Kirschenbaum, 17-11; 119: Katz (A) pin Levene, 0:47; 125: Robinson (A) pin Pachman, 3:22; 130: Vernick (A) dec. P. Squillante, 14-2; 135: Gewartz (A) dec. Sandolo, 15-5; 140: Spencer (A) pin Ordiena, 2:16; 145: Matson (A) pin M. Squillante, 2:32; 152: Callaghan (A) pin Waterhouse, 1:32; 160: Roddy (A) pin Bolea, 0:44; 171: Crotta (A) pin Witter, 8-6; 189: Lombrado (A) dec. Champtaloup, 0:20; 215: Vernick (A) forfeit; 275: Grababa (A) forfeit.

Cheshire 54 Weston 30
At Southington
103: Brisken (C) pin Jamner, 3:38; 112: Waters (C) pin Kirschenbaum, 3:38; 119: Levene (W) pin Zamback, 5:21; 125: Drohiem (C) pin Pachman, 3:55; 130: Nolti (C) pin P. Squillante, 0:48; 135: Wycozanski (C) pin Sandolo, :38; 140: Zomback (C) pin Waterhouse, 2:33; 145: Tomlinson (C) pin Allen, 3:57; 152: Dillon (C) pin Waterhouse, 0:49; 160: Erickson (C) pin Bolea, 1:55; 171: Witter (W) forfeit; 189: Champtaloup (W) forfeit; 215: Kannon (W) forfeit; 275: Turner (C) forfeit.

Hall 59, Joel Barlow 18
At Staples
215: Jesse Ludgin (H) pin Yuri Carniero (JB) 1:18  ; 275: Andrew Gionfriddo (H) pin Adrian Flores (JB) 1:56; 103: Rob Winter (H) pin Matt Bellantoni (JB) 1:30; 112: David Flannery (H) forfeit; 119: Darren Appanch (H) pin Matt Traggianese (JB) 1:50; 125: Essan Hellalat (H) pin Jamie Herbert (JB) 3:20; 130: Lee Mascolo (H) pin Danny Harris (JB) 0:48; 135: Mark Appanch (H) pin Peter Solomon (JB) 2:34 ; 140: John Nastasi (JB) pin Russell Gee (H) 2:35 ; 145: Rob Fiore (JB) dec. Shant Ghokasyan (H) 11-7; 152: Evan Ogren (H) tech. fall Rob Wilson (JB) 18-0 ; 160: Kyle Ungar (JB) pin Jake McCormick (H) 0:28 ; 171: Greg Woodward (H) pin Billy Fow (JB) 1:19; 189: James Ruppert (JB) dec. Doug Dellaccio (H) 11-6
Record: Joel Barlow 0-9

Joel Barlow 51, Platt Tech 24
At Staples
275: Adrian Flores (JB) forfeit ; 103: Tom Ciarleylio (PT) dec. Matt Bellantoni (JB) 9-6; 112: Pete Storm (PT) forfeit; 119: Matt Traggianese (JB) pin Chris Barnes (PT) 3:13; 125: Jeff Bernor (PT) pin Jamie Herbert (JB) 3:46; 130: Danny Harris (JB) forfeit ; 135: Peter Solomon (JB) forfeit ; 140: John Nastasi (JB) pin Kiernan Dobroski (PT) :15 ; 145: Rob Wilson (JB) forfeit; 152: Rob Fiore (JB) pin Howard Slais (PT) 5:23 ; 160: Blake Sullivan (JB) pin Tyler Knapp (PT) 1:06 ; 171: Kyle Ungar (JB) dec. Rob Rusnak (PT) 10-7; 189: Justin Martinez (PT) pin Billy Fow (JB) :41 ; 215: Ivan Melendez (PT) dec. James Ruppert (JB) 9-4
Record: Joel Barlow 1-9

Joel Barlow 48, Immaculate 30
At Staples
103: Andrew Cronin (I) pin Matt Bellantoni (JB) 0:36; 112: Joe Frank (I) pin Nick Wahl (JB) :35; 119: Dave Curtis (I) pin Matt Traggianese (JB) 2:53; 125: Jamie Herbert (JB) pin Eric Sorcek (I) 0:38; 130: Peter Solomon (JB) forfeit ; 135: Julian Christie (I) pin Danny Harris (JB) 0:46 ; 140: Nick Burgess (I) pin John Nastasi (JB) 2:38 ; 145: Rob Fiore (JB) dec. Paul Secola (I) 7-2; 152: Rob Wilson (JB) pin Secola (I) 3:55 ; 160: Kyle Ungar (JB) pin John Fitzgerald (I) 1:06 ; 171: Blake Sullivan (JB) dec. Adrian Tucker (I) 7-1; 189: Billy Fow (JB) pin Connor Polticastro (I) 0:21 ; 215: James Ruppert (JB) pin Sean Haddad (I) 0:40; 275: Adrian Flores (JB) forfeit
Record: Joel Barlow 2-9

Staples 60, Joel Barlow 24
At Staples
112: Alex Crosby (S) forfeit; 119: Eric Menchaca (S) pin Matt Traggianese (JB) 1:06; 125: Peter Menchaca (S) pin Jamie Herbert (JB) 2:27; 130: Patrick Toole (S) pin Peter Solomon (JB) 0:20; 135: Max Brown (S) pin Danny Harris (JB) :56 ; 140: Tom O'Day (S) pin John Nastasi (JB) 0:25 ; 145: Rob Fiore (JB) forfeit ; 152: Spencer Cohen (S) pin Rob Wilson (JB) :030 ; 160: Kyle Ungar (JB) pin Andrew Gau (S) 2:47 ; 171: Blake Sullivan (JB) pin Robert Toole (S) 2:55; 189: Billy Fow (JB) pin Ryan Kogstad (S) 0:27 ; 215: Evan James (S) pin James Ruppert (JB) 1:22  ; 275: Eddy Mattoon (S) pin Adrian Flores (JB) 5:54; 103: Matt Bellantoni (JB) forfeit
Record: Joel Barlow 2-10

Westhill 54, Joel Barlow 30
At Staples
119: Zack Napolitano (W) pin Matt Traggianese (JB) 1:10; 125: Myles Scott (W) pin Jamie Herbert (JB) 5:09; 130: Jordan Napolitano (W) pin Danny Harris (JB)  - 1:06; 135: Peter Solomon (JB) forfeit; 140: John Nastasi (JB) forfeit ; 145: Brendan Lukanic (W) pin Rob Fiore (JB) 4:55; 152: Ronald Thompson (W) pin Rob Wilson (JB) 0:40 ; 160: Kyle Ungar (JB) pin Brad Goodman (W) 1:31 ; 171: Steve Guzinski (W) pin Blake Sullivan (JB) 3:35; 189: Dan Molina (W) pin Billy Fow (JB) 3:30 ; 215: James Ruppert (JB) pin Ben Apfel (W) 3:31  ; 275: Garth Harrison (W) pin Adrian Flores (JB) 5:44; 103: Nick Wahl (JB) forfeit ; 112: Jarrett Morris (W) pin Matt Bellantoni (JB) 0:13
Record: Joel Barlow 2-11

Pomperaug 52, Brookfield 21
At Woodbury
103  Greg Wright (P) forfeit; 112  Andrew Panetta (P) pin Dan Healy (B) 1:38; 119 Garrett Schmidt (P) pin Joe Levine (B) 0:26; 125 Matt Sullivan (P) pin Chris Mazzari (B) 0:57; 130 Matt Kozak (B) pin Pat Porzillo (P) 3:51; 135 Dave Mack (P) dec. Scott Sullivan (B) 4-3 OT; 140 Chase Verzello (P) pin Kyle Bonn (B) 4:43; 145 James Elliott (P) pin Ethan Ofer-Moran (B) 1:24; 152 Eric Cieply (P) pin Claire Peacock (B) 1:51; 160 Jay Bucchiarelli (P) dec.. Mike McKeever (B) 17-4; 171 Ben Hadden (B) dec. Dave Janson (P) 3-1; 189 Baron Jacobs (P) dec. John Whamser (B) 6-4; 215 Max Beundry (B) forfeit; 275 Jan Wolfe (B) forfeit

Pomperaug 36, Derby 33
At Woodbury
112 Andrew Panetta (P) pin Anthony Kicher (D) 0:19; 119 Garrett Schmidt (P) dec. Justin Parlow (D) 6-5; 125 Matt Sullivan (P) pin Steve Pappa (D) 4:45; 130 Eric Kapuzzo (D) dec. Pat Porzillo (P) 7-6; 135 Dave Mack (P) dec.. Chris Mastrianni (D) 13-0; 140 Chase Verzello (P) tech fall Chris Lee (D) 22-4; 145 Justin Greybars (D) dec. James Elliott (P) 12-11; 152 Derek Charbonneau (P) forfeit; 160 Ricky Balli (D) pin Eric Cieply (P) 3:37; 171 Ed Ortiz (D) dec. Dave Janson (P) 7-2; 189 Ron Smith (D) pin Baron Jacobs (P) 2:54; 215 Steve Rodriquez (D) forfeit; 275 Matt Martin (P) forfeit; 103 Greg Wright (P) pin Tony Delplatt (D) 2:52

Pomperaug 40, Nonnewaug 27
At Woodbury
125 Mike Angillo (N) pin Matt Sullivan (P) 2:36; 130 Keagan Mulready (N) dec. Pat Porzillo (P) 10-8; 135 Phil Strobel (N) dec. Dave Mack (P) 6-4; 140 Chase Verzello (P) pin Andrew Harley (N) 1:55; 145 Keelan Freitag (N) pin John Meade (P) 3:30; 152 Eric Ciepley (P) dec.. Jeff Howard (N) 9-0; 160 Jon Cooper (N) dec. Jay Bucchiarelli (P) 8-2; 171 Dave Janson (P) dec. Josh Woodin (N) 7-0; 189 Baron Jacobs (P) pin Jason Kochiss (N) 1:16; 215 Kyle Bucherelli (N) forfeit; 275 Matt Martin (P) forfeit; 103 Greg Wright (P) pin Adam O'Neil (N) 0:36; 112 Andrew Panetta (P) pin Rob Basile (N) 1:11; 119 Garrett Schmidt (P) dec. Drew Stomski (N) 13-12

Saturday, Jan. 7 results/news
n Bristol Central Invitational
n Southington Duals
n Trumbull Duals
n South Windsor Duals
n Northwestern Duals
n Glastonbury Duals
Martin can wrestle Jan. 20
Thursday, Jan. 5 results
Wednesday, Jan. 4 results/news